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Fit for the stars

The name of this scene is two-fold. Yes, it has a natural luxuriousness about it, with the deep blacks and shimmering golds, that make it look like a Hollywood premiere party. Yet the dark colours and bright golds make it look almost space-like, as if guests were suddenly a galaxy away. Unabashed grandeur and magnificence are on the menu here, with several pieces that will be useful if you want guests to feel like celebrities. Each would work wonders at a cocktail party where guests are decked out in all their finery. Key to this is the Mondrian bar which becomes the epicentre of your revelry when manned by some expert mixologists.
Fit for the stars
Fit for the stars
Fit for the stars
Fit for the stars
Fit for the stars
Fit for the stars
Photographer: Julia Keil